Macro flowchart


Create flowcharts with Graphviz.

This macro is a free alternative of the {flowchart} macro from the commercial Graphviz plugin.


All parameters are optional.


Control how edges are represented

  • none
  • line
  • polyline
  • curved
  • ortho
  • spline
edgeArrowSizeSize of arrow. Default 0.8

Form of node. Default rect(angle). Possible values are:

  • rect
  • ellipse
  • tab
  • note
  • component
  • folder
  • box3d
  • square

Style of nodes. Default is filled. Possible values are:

  • diagonals
  • rounded
  • dashed
  • dotted
  • solid
  • bold

Background color if nodeStyle=filled. Default is lightyellow.

Colors might be defined by name or as RGB values


Font name. Default is Verdana.
It depends on the Confluence server which fonts are available.

nodeFontsizeFont size. Default is 9.

PNG (default)

SVG (beta)

exportNameThe graph will be stored as attachment if exportName is given.

true = Enable debugging.


The body of this macro is code written in Graphviz' DOT language. Some examples are shown below. The full documentation can be found at Graphviz' Documentation Page.

Sample Images

Simple Examples

Component Dependencies

Organisation Chart

Sample Code

Simple Examples

Foo -> Bar
Foo -> Buz
Foo -> Bar
Foo -> Buz

Component Dependencies

PageReleaseManager -> SpringModification
 PageReleaseManager -> PageReleaseDAO
 PageReleaseManager -> Configuration
 PageReleaseManager -> PageReleaseEvent
 PageReleaseDAO -> SpringModification 
 PageReleaseDAO -> HibernateBase 
 PageReleaseDAO -> DBModell
 FreigabeUI  -> PageReleaseManager
 FreigabeUI  -> Permissions
 FreigabeUI  -> Configuration
 Configuration -> SpringModification
 LinkRendererAndResolver -> SpringModification
 LinkRendererAndResolver -> Configuration 
 HibernateBase -> SpringModification
 Permissions -> SpringModification
 DiffUI -> PageReleaseManager
 DiffUI -> Configuration
 ImplizitePageFreigabeListener -> PageReleaseManager
 MetadataSync ->  PageReleaseEvent
 LabelSync ->  PageReleaseEvent
 AttachmentSync -> PageReleaseEvent
 PermissionsUI -> Permissions

Organisation Chart

boss 	      [label="Boss" color=red]

itchef 	      [label="Anton Antonius"]
itsekretariat [label="Bea Berger"]
ithelpdesk    [label="Christian Carlson"]
itadmin       [label="Denis Devil"]
itazubine     [label="Ester Estragon"]

marketingchef 	[label="Katja Karlson"]
marketingsekretariat [label="Larry Lemming"]
marketingtext 	[label="Mark Mustermann"]
marketinggrafik [label="Nathalie Neumann"]
marketingazubi  [label="Omar Omaha"]

subgraph cluster_gf {
  color = red;
  style = filled;
  fontsize = 20;

  label = "Vorstand";

subgraph cluster_it {
  color = gold1;
  style = filled;
  fontsize = 20;

  label = "IT";

  itchef -> itsekretariat;
  itchef -> ithelpdesk;
  itchef -> itadmin;
  itadmin -> itazubine;


subgraph cluster_marketing {
  color = greenyellow;
  style = filled;
  fontsize = 20;

  label = "Marketing";

  marketingchef -> marketingsekretariat;
  marketingchef -> marketingtext;
  marketingchef -> marketinggrafik;
  marketinggrafik -> marketingazubi;

boss -> marketingchef;
boss -> itchef;

Macro Browser