Space Migration

After migration a Confluence Space to another Confluence Server, the internal user keys of Confluence may change and existing read confirmation request may not work anymore.

You can perform the following steps to migrate existing read confirmation requests:

1) Export all user keys off the old Confluence instance:

curl -X GET http://old-instance-hostname/rest/reco/1/admin/userkeys --user admin:admin --header "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" > userkeys.json

2) Import the generated mapping file on the new Confluence instance:

curl -X POST http://new-instance-hostname/rest/reco/1/admin/userkeys --user admin:admin -d @userkeys.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check"

This will migrate all old user keys to the new ones and fix existing reco request.