Read Confirmation User's Guide

Usage of the Read Confirmation Plugin is quite simple. There is only one menu entry to create, edit or view the status of a confirmation request. The target users of a request will be notified of the request on the page itself and only have to click on a link if they are asked to acknowledge the page. A new macro (the "Important Information Macro") is included in the plugin and can be placed on a central page like the dashboard to inform the user of all outstanding confirmation requests.

Creating a read confirmation request

Every user who has been granted the right to use the plugin (see "Configure permissions"), can create a read confirmation request by following these steps:

The confirmation request is specified on a form as seen in the following screenshot:

Description of the fields:

After filling the form the "Save" button must be clicked. The "Back to page view" button discards the request.

Viewing the status of a confirmation request

Every user who has the "View Confirmation Status" permission can view the status of a request by clicking on the "Read Confirmation" entry in the "Tools" menu. 

For every target user the following information is displayed (a target user may be explicitly specified with his username or via a membership in one of the target groups):

The following actions are available:

Without the "Allow detailed status" advanced configuration option the status is displayed differently:

Only the sum of users that has viewed or acknowledged the page are visible. Users who have not viewed the page will remain anonymous. You can still see the progress of the confirmation request.

Viewing or acknowledging a confirmation request

If another user has requested that you read a confluence page you will see the following green box above the page content (the creator of the request is shown). No action other than reading the page is required.

If the creator has required your acknowledgement of the page the box will be slighty different (see the blue box in the screenshot below). After reading the page you can acknowledge the content by clicking on the link with the text "Please click here when you are done" inside the blue box.

Immediately after clicking the acknowledgement link (or if you revisit the page at a later time) the box changes to a green "Acknowledged" box:

If the page is edited after you have acknowledged a page the following is displayed allowing you to renew your acknowledgement:

When viewing a page for which you have requested a read confirmation request yourself you will see the following. The confirmation status will only be displayed if you have enabled "Status on page" when creating the request. The link in the box ("read confirmations") will get you to the status / edit page (see above).

The Important Information Macro

You will need a central page like the dashboard to display a list of all pending confirmation requests for the user currently logged in. Otherwise it will be very hard for a user to make sure that he has seen all pages with requests. To add the macro just edit a page in confluence and add the "Important Information Macro" with the Confluence macro browser:

The following parameters are available:

The Important Information Macro renderes the following list:

These information are displayed to the user:

You can sort the table by clicking on the header cell of a column.