
User Interface Language

The Read Confirmation Plugin supports English and German out of the box (outdated translations to French and Italian are included too, but not supported). The language is automatically picked up from the user's profile, just like Confluence does it. When the plugin sends an email, this language is used too.

If the user has chosen a language that is not supported by the plugin, English will be used instead.

Adding a language to the Read Confirmation Plugin

You may add additional languages to the plugin by following the instructions below. Aside from this guide we cannot provide additional support for translating the plugin.

Please consider that future versions of the plugin may introduce new keys and text changes that you will have to work into your own translations.

Step 1: Download and unpack the JAR file

Please go to and download the JAR file of the plugin. If necessary you should upgrade to the most current version. Unpack the file with a ZIP tool of your choice to a new directory.

Step 2: Locate the file to translate

The root of the unpacked file structure contains a directory named "i18n" (which stands for "internationalization"). This directory contains one file for each language:

Language Files

The file "" contains the default language, which is English.

The format of the language files is Java Properties Files, please follow the link to learn about encoding (ISO-8859-1) and syntax of the file. In short, every line consist of a key and a value, separated by an equals sign (some values spread to multiple lines, this is indicated by an backslash \ at the end of the line):

Java Properties File Format
key2=this text continues \

The key must remain unchanged, the value is the text shown to the user. The value is the text that you have to translate.

Step 3: Announce the new language to the plugin

Each language file begins with a list of all supported languages and a display name for each. You must add your new language(s) to all files in order to use it later. As an example, if you want to add Spanish, your "" file should begin like this:

Language File Header

The language codes can be found here Use the 2 character variant in the second column.

Step 4: Copy and translate a language files for your new language

Now you can copy one of the files, e.g. the English "", to "" and translate the value of each key to Spanish (or any other language).

Step 5: Add all files to the plugin JAR and install it into Confluence

Using a ZIP tool add all files you've changed and translated files to the JAR file that you have downloaded in Step 1. Please make sure to locate all language files in a directory named "i18n" inside the JAR file.

To install the plugin, log in to Confluence as an administrator, choose "Add-ons" from the administration menu and upload the changed JAR file using the link "Upload add-on". If you have difficulties installing the plugin, you can try to uninstall it first.

Step 6: Translating the mail templates

The language file contains templates for each mail type that the plugin sends. If you are using the mail feature and if you have customized the mail texts, you can now do this for the new languages too on the configuration page of the plugin. Of course you may also apply your customizations to the mail templates in Step 4 while translating them.

Now the Read Confirmation Plugin will use your new translation for each user with that language in her/his profile!